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Press Release Submission
Thank you for your interest in submitting your press release to Media Newswire. Media Newswire currently offers the following submission option shown below.

Premium Press Release & Media Alert ($49)  
Our Premium Press Release & Media Alert is ideal to distribute breaking news or introduce new products or services. Premium features are listed below.

Premium Features
+ Clickable links within your release
+ Transmitted to 1800+ international journalists worldwide
+ Distributed to the IFPA (International Free Press Association) mailing list.
+ Submission to news search engines & websites
+ Release is listed above basic releases in our 'Media Alerts' section on release date
+ Attach your image or logo to your release for maximum brand exposure
+ Published within 24 hours of submission
+ RSS Submissions & Syndication
+ No advertisements within your release
+ Editor review & suggestions for maximum visibility
+ Social Media links included in each release (Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Spurl, etc.)
+ Company listed in our Web Directory - Business-Visibility.com
+ Custom Release Day & Time - Tell us the day/time to distribute your release
+ Release reviewed by experienced news editors for maximum exposure & pickup
+ Edit/Preview of release before distribution to correct errors/omissions at no cost
+ Limited Time Special: Receive 50% Off Coupon for your next Premium Release

Premium Press Release & Media Alert ($49)

No Spam Policy
Media Newswire will not accept releases considered 'spam' or that are not news worthy. A valid press release must contain accurate contact details for approval. Releases containing pharmacy, gambling, pornography, mlm and illegal content will be rejected. While other services might approve these types of releases, Media Newswire values its extensive list of partners as well as customers and as such would not have such releases next to legitimate releases. Each release is reviewed by one of our editors for approval and is a manual process ensuring only the best releases are published.

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